All You Need To Know About Me!!
I can help you to accomplish anything that matters to you and work with you to be effective in your personal and professional areas of life; unleash the new energy to achieve the best and be an extraordinary individual. As a Performance & Leadership coach, I love to inspires people to create immense possibilities, break their limiting believes and unhealthy patterns to live a powerful life they always dreamed of..
I can help you seek answers from within, using Best Life practices, adopting from best ancient wisdom, neuro-science, NLP, Yogic Consciousness, Somatic Awareness, Principles of quantum physics, Hearts Intelligence and systematically working so you can be the very best in every area of your life.
I want to spread my message to the World –
“If you believe in yourself, and are willing to come out of your comfort zone, discover your unhealthy patterns and go beyond your barriers, you can accomplish just anything in the world.”

As a Motivational speaker & Performance coach I’ve been leading various workshops & seminars for Students, teachers, executives and various other professionals and touched thousands of lives.
I’ve been leading powerful workshops in schools and colleges to empower educators, students and workforce to build a positive attitude which would enhance their personality and impact their future growth positively. Having an amazing experience of working with thousands of people and guiding them towards a happy, powerful and successful life, I firmly believe that by cultivating values, responsibility, integrity & leadership in people, we would not only prepare responsible individuals but also extraordinary human beings.
With my enriched experience of more than 18 years, I easily connect with people and they get moved & inspired by getting present to their uniqueness & blissful potential. I’ve transformed many lives through the personal sessions, workshops and seminars; it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.
Our Success Rate
In Numbers
Why You Should Choose Shalini As Your Coach
Performance & Leadership Coach. (ICF Accredited)
- Founder of Being Alive
19 Yrs. of experience in Education & Training Industry
Trained in 11 ICF Coach competencies defined by International Coach Federation
NLP Practitioner by Dr. Richard Bandler, Co-creator of NLP
Certified Resilience & Relationship Coach
Certified Success & Motivation Coach
Certified Transformation Coach
Curriculum Graduate from Landmark Worldwide
Business Consultant for Educational Institutes
- Motivational Speaker
1970, Dr. Richard Bandler & John Grinder in the California United States together found this wonderful science.
“NLP is a tool to understand your perception and communicate with the mind”
Your Subconscious mind is 30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind.
There’s a crucial link between NLP & Coaching: while the focus of other coaching is typically upon what a person is doing or needs to do in order to perform effectively, the focus of NLP coaching is on how.

NLP Is Used In
Effective Communication
Sales & Productivity
Goal Setting
Resource Building
Team Building
Team Management
Dealing with Stress & Anxiety